Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Skating for the first time

So we recently took the girls skating down at Belleville's Victoria Harbour for a Sunday afternoon skate..and to say the very least it was alot of fun! A) to watch them get all dressed up with their little skates on and B) how they would react when they stepped on the ice for the first time.   They looked like Bambi on ice! Chloe didn't really like it, but Lexi did! At the end Chloe wanted to try it..
You could really see the independence coming out in both of them, when they kept falling and they wanted to get up on their own!  So, we are going down there again soon, Lexi keeps asking. As long as it keeps them away from the TV's and phones we are more than happy to take them to do outdoor activites

Have a great day everyone

Thursday, January 22, 2015

123 go

So. My daughters and I play this silly game called 123 go where they run from one side of the living room and run into my arms and I throw them into the couch. They love it. I love it. Again it's all going to go away eventually, I know that.

Not really a huge blog today, I'm sorry but I thought I would just share with you guys about a silly game we play in the livingroom

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Routine at home

I'm sure everyone at home has a routine and if you mess with it, A LOT gets screwed up! For the past 4 years and I'm sure for the next handful of years we will be tied up with this routine that were in now. Little ones unfortunately don't look after themselves LOL. If one is left to deal with them, then there's resentment. I don't want that, so I try and work everything else around our current kids schedule, it is what is is and that's what was expected. We haven't been able to go to a lot of places cause A) it's hard to take them places and B) it's difficult to find a sitter and an overnight one, everyone has places to go and people to see.. It's busy! We recently have a few babysitters on the list that we can turn to...So for parents or future parents, they would tell you, they've been there and this is what to expect for future parents. You lose a lot of sleep and you must find a routine and stick to it otherwise things can fall off the rails! and you don't want that obviously. I have an incredible wife that is home right now, keeping order in a lot of departments.. I'm not very good in the kitchen or in laundry room, but I try and help out as best I can in other departments like bath time, now story time, etc etc...Sarah and I are a great team, at least I think and I'm always open to suggestions on how to make it work.

I thought maybe one day I will put all these notes together, like a journal for my kids to read one day and publish a book on real parenting, and what to expect. But for the most part, it's pretty much come natural for us with the budget we have top work with and I think we're doin a hell of a job. Love them to the moon and back and wouldn't have it any other way

Happy hump day

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How can a 4 year old and a 2 year old teach patience

So last night without discussing who's handing what last night after dinner, I just decided to put the girls to bed myself..Sarah normally does this but last night I thought I would do this, as I've never done it yet! AS I should cause it hit me! One day these moments will go away, so I better take advantage of it now! So I did and I liked it and they fell asleep in my arms!

This is important I think folks, because if we don't do this, will our kids resent us? I don't know. Is there a parenting guideline to tell you what to do and what not to do, sure.. But as far as Sarah and I are concerned we just parent the best way we know how and so far we think it's working. The one tip I can give parents out of this blog, especially for upcoming parents or who are thinking about becoming a parent...HAVE PATIENCE! Something I've never really had in the past but it's funny Sarah and my kids are teaching me a skill I've never had!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Do you REALLY need a Smart TV?

SO I have a 60" Hitachi Rear LCD Projection and have found a way to connect my laptop, making it now a "Smart TV" without having to replace it. How did I do it? Well...

SO if your laptop has an HDMI port you go get a HDMI cord and plug it into that port and then plug in the other end into an open port in the back of your TV..most TV's have 1 or 2 inputs for HDMI..

Then you want to right click on your mouse and hit graphic options and output to built in ..or simply hit function F8 and it will switch can also change the properties in your settings if you go into the display monitor (in properties) and duplicate your laptop and your TV.  That should work, now you may have to change the "ZOOM" on your TV so you can see it better.

Once you get it, your laptop is now connected and you can enjoy whatever you want on your TV. YOu don't REALLY need a smart tv once you do it that way..but thats all they've done is install it right into your computer so it's easier for you to connect which is great if you have the money to do that, but if you wanna save and try that, should work!

Enjoy your day

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New Mattress & Box

So..Sarah & I decided to treat ourselves this Christmas to a new Matt & Box. We didn't buy ourselves anything, so we decided to buy a new set instead. It is coming today. We NEVER buy anything for ourselves, well that's not true, normally we buy a trip south. So we said F*&$ it and picked up a great deal from the Bay! it is being delivered today by Frank the mover.

You know a lot of people don;t own a decent sleep set and that is just sad! We spend 1/3rd of our lives in bed and we should be good to our bodies. Often times we complain we didn't have a goodnight sleep our sore bodies, if we had a good sleep set and drink lots of water you would be amazed at the difference! So we decided to fix all that with a new sleep set and drinking more water! I force myself to drink 8 cups a day. I have a water bottle next to me and fill it up when I canand drink as much as possible. Already I am having less reflux attacs and feel better about myself. BRB going to fill up now..LOL

Those are my 2 main goals..sleep better and drink more water..OH and more AB workouts.. I downloaded an app for my phone and I also created a small little work out area in the basement.. Starting to use it more by waking up at 630 before everyone is up to do my thing, seems to be working.

I'm eating cleaner now after the holidays and Sarah is also on board with making sure we eat clean on a reg basis as well..My goal is to drop 50lbs..I will get there..and to sleep better as I've been thru hell with the career change in the last 17 months

Enjoy your day

Monday, January 12, 2015

Recent sleeping arrangements

So recently its been musical beds for us at our house through-out the night. Do we mind it, not really, is it annoying, in a way cause it breaks up your sleep, but what are you gonna do? Like really? The children love to snuggle with us, we think ultimately it's an anxiety thing. They pass out for so many hours and then have to come into the room with us and snuggle.We are taking full advantage of it right now cause we know eventually it will go away. I think for me especially, with everything that's gone on in my life, I look forward to it and it takes MY anxiety away. It will make me sad when it stops but right now, it's a tough habit to break, but I'm ok with it and I think Sarah is too.. Happy Monday